Would my home insurance protect me in the event of a sinkhole?

The news has been flooded lately with stories of rare sinkhole casualties–yet not as much mention of Sinkhole Insurance. Recent sinkhole victims most likely did not think they would experience this type of casualty leaving you and me to wonder, “What is a sinkhole? and “Would my home be protected in the event of a sinkhole?”

What is a Sinkhole?

The dictionary defines a sinkhole as:
1. A hole formed in soluble rock by the action of water, serving to conduct surface water to an underground passage.
2. Also called sink. a depressed area in which waste or drainage collects.

Sinkhole Insurance “Must Know”s

Most home insurance does not cover damage as a result of sinkholes.

Certain states where sinkholes are common (example- Florida and Tennessee) require insurance to cover any damage as a result of earth movement.

The majority of insurance companies offer sinkhole coverage as a rider policy or an addendum to an existing policy with an extra premium charge.

Potential sinkhole activity can be determined by a home inspection which looks for . evidence such as cracks in the foundation or walls.

#1 Suggestion

Make sure you are able to get your home insured before purchasing it.

When it comes to protecting your home and family, it pays to be informed about any risks and preventative measures that will minimize consequences of the unpredictable events of life. At Johnson Insurance, our goal is to inform, answer and protect your most important assets even for rare occurrences such as sinkholes.